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ceto vimutti


'deliverance of mind'. In the highest sense it signifies the fruition of Arahatship (s. ariya-puggala), and in particular, the concentration associated with it. It is often linked with the 'deliverance through wisdom' (pan~n~a^-vimutti, q.v.), e.g. in the ten powers of a Perfect One (s. dasa-bala). See vimokkha I.
It is also called 'unshakable deliverance of mind' (akuppa-c.); further 'boundless d. of m'. (appama^na-c.); 'd. of m. from the conditions of existence, or signless d. of m.' (animitta^-c.); 'd. of m. from the appendages' (a^kincan~n~a-c.), since that state of mind is free from the 3 bonds, conditions and appendants, i.e. from greed, hatred and ignorance; and since it is void thereof, it is called the 'void deliverance of mind' (sun~n~ata^-c.) 更多:https://www.bmcx.com/
In a more restricted sense, 'boundless deliverance of mind' is a name for the 4 boundless states, i.e. loving-kindness, compassion, altruistic joy and equanimity (s. brahma-viha^ra); 'd. of m. from the appendages' stands for the 'sphere of nothingness' (a^kin~can~n~a^yatana s. jha^na 7); 'd. of mind from the conditions of existence', for d. of mind due to non-attention to all conditions of existence; 'void d. of m' for d. of m. due to contemplating voidness of self. For further details, s. M. 43.


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