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'fetters'. There are 10 fetters tying beings to the wheel of existence, namely: (1) personality-belief (sakka^ya-ditthi, q.v.), (2) sceptical doubt (vicikiccha^ q.v.), (3) clinging to mere rules and ritual (si^labbata-para^ma^sa; s. upa^da^na), (4) sensuous craving (ka^ma-ra^ga, 4.v.), (5) ill-will (vya^pa^da), (6) craving for fine-material existence (rúpa-ra^ga), (7) craving for immaterial existence (arúpa-ra^ga), (8) conceit (ma^na, q.v.), (9) restlessness (uddhacca, q.v.), (10) ignorance (avijja^, q.v.). The first five of these are called 'lower fetters' (orambha^giya-samyojana), as they tie to the sensuous world. The latter 5 are called 'higher fetters' (uddhambha^giya-samyojana), as they tie to the higher worlds, i.e. the fine-material and immaterial world (A. IX, 67, 68; X. 13; D . 33, etc.).
He who is free from 1-3 is a Sota^panna, or Stream-winner, i.e. one who has entered the stream to Nibba^na, as it were. He who, besides these 3 fetters, has overcome 4 and 5 in their grosser form, is called a Sakada^ga^mi, a 'Once-returner' (to this sensuous world). He who is fully freed from 1-5 is an Ana^ga^mi^, or 'Non-returner' (to the sensuous world). He who is freed from all the 10 fetters is called an Arahat, i.e. a perfectly Holy One. 更多:https://www.bmcx.com/
For more details, s. ariya-puggala.
The 10 fetters as enumerated in the Abhidhamma, e.g. Vibh. XVII, are: sensuous craving, ill-will, conceit, wrong views, sceptical doubt, clinging to mere rules and ritual, craving for existence, envy, stinginess, ignorance.


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